Brioche: the queen of breakfast

“The people are hungry. Let them eat brioche.” Maybe you do not know it, but you probably need more brioche in your life.

Authentic French brioche, a classic yeast bread enriched with butter and eggs; it has a very thin crust and tender interior: we go crazy for them.
But no matter how special brioche are (not to be confused with croissants which use leavened puff pastry), they are not difficult to make. Here is our recipe – from the dough to shaping, to baking.
What is the secret to making a great brioche? It mainly relies on properly incorporating the butter into the dough (if using a kneading machine, we suggest you also do some kneading by hand, leaving the kneading machine to do most of the work).


for about 20 brioche

250 g Manitoba flour (Manitoba flour is ideal for giving the dough a splendid rise thanks to its high percentage of gluten compared to regular wheat flour).
250 g flour
50 g butter
25 g fresh yeast (or 9 g dry yeast)
150 g milk
170 g sugar
2 whole eggs


  • Dissolve the yeast in warm milk.
  • Combine the two flours and the sugar.
  • Cut the butter, at room temperature, and add it along with the eggs.
  • Start mixing, adding the milk little by little.
  • Continue to knead for 5 minutes.
  • Insert it into the kneading machine and set the speed for medium-high. Knead for another 7-8 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  • Divide the dough into two equal parts and roll them into balls.
  • Place each ball into a buttered plastic container and allow to rise for two hours.
  • Using a rolling pin, create a circle of about 30 cm in diameter: cut it into 8 equal parts with a pastry wheel.
  • Add the jam or chocolate filling.
  • Use a brush to wet the tips of the triangles with a bit of water (this will help them remain closed after shaping).
  • Roll them up one at a time, starting from the wide end, and place on a baking tray covered with baking paper.
  • Cover them with a plastic sheet so they do not make a crust and allow them to rise for 3-4 hours (they will double in volume).
  • Preheat the oven to 180°C. In the meantime, brush the surface with a bit of egg yolk diluted with milk.
  • Bake at 180°C for about 15 minutes.
  • Allow to cool, preferably on a grill.
  • Allow them to rise for 2 hours in a location away from drafts and with a temperature higher than 25 C (for example in the oven, while off).

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